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Writer's pictureZachary Svoboda

Black Sheep Church

It’s been a long time since we’ve posted anything informative that helps you understand who we are. If you’ve been on the fence or wondering “what the heck is Be Church and who are these people?” Here’s a synopsis:

Jesus didn’t chase people down. Jesus wasn’t in some theatrical rat race for bigger temples and higher steeples. Jesus didn’t have a business plan, a budget, some made up religious rituals or hoops to jump through. Jesus didn’t care about who was in the crowd or who gave money or how many showed up. He was content to SERVE AND LOVE, at all times, in all circumstances. He was content. Love was enough. The pure and simplistic approach to humanity. He wasn’t striving to earn man’s respect and acceptance so more people would come or accept Him- He went and He was the man!!!!! He pleased the Father. He led with love- And that’s all we care to do too.

We meet at 5pm for worship, prayer, teaching, in an unassuming, casual, but intentional space. One without facades or false fronts. One that is not rigid in format or programming, but simplistic, real, and engaging. We have small breakout sessions during this time as well where we can talk about life, scripture, and confront things of the heart. Family style. Once that concludes, we share a home cooked dinner together and hang out. Yep, a free home cooked meal every week for all to enjoy and be a part of. Be Kids also happens right after our worship with music part of the gathering- where they can simply go and “be kids” and learn at their level through activities, prayer, and reading. Ages 4 through 5th grade. We don’t play the religious hierarchy game either. I may be the “pastor” (I hate titles, and btw- God sees right through them) but I am not above you, I am in this with you, beside you- TOGETHER. We are a movement that is breaking down the walls of numbers driven cultural Christianity and division. We're getting back to the roots of the gospel.

We are absolutely content in letting love be enough, doing ministry where we are, with what we have, according to His spirit and word. We are embracing the NOW and will continue to do so. Generously, boldly, leading with love.

Let’s break it down even more.

In regards to church in general, here’s some important thoughts: stop asking yourselves “what can we do to grow”? “How can we get more people”? And start asking yourselves “how can we love??!!! How can we serve the hurting and broken? How can we meet the needs of others who need help in our community?” “How can we defeat negativity with kindness and joy?” How can we be like Jesus? Church, our minds are supposed to be transformed by Christ!!!! Not enabled by the world to measure using numbers!!! Church is not a business!!! Jesus is not our Boss, He is our Savior!!! Love is enough!!!! And there’s no X amount of dollars, people, or size of space that with inhibit you more than leading without love. Wake up church!!!! Is Jesus really the motive? Is He enough? Is love enough? Because it was enough for Jesus without all the gimmicky fluff and striving for numbers. Let’s get REAL!

We are outward focused. That means that having our own building or space is not and never will be a priority. Our identity is not in a building nor does it legitimize any type of ministry anywhere. Serving others and building up one another will always come first, because that’s what Jesus would do. “The son of man does not have a place where He can lay His head.” If Jesus’ concerns were the hearts of people first and always- we should definitely look like that too. We will always reach out and serve boldly in love, no strings attached.

Church is NOT a business!! Don’t expect us to “run” church like a business in the world. We are set apart. We will not operate like most churches you’ve seen or been a part of, myself included. Our mission is to give all our funding away (except operational expenses like rent, and supplies) to those who need it and care for our community, not hold onto it and be possessive of money. Our mission is to serve first, give first. If we can’t trust God to provide when we are doing what He’s called us to- then what on earth are we even doing!? We believe that being a good steward is trusting God first and actively praying about His will over our own. We don’t have a budget, because God does not budget His love or His resources. We pray that we can be obedient and faithful in what He’s called us to, while being open to new perspectives, new understandings- acknowledging the possibility that what we’ve been brought up in or with may not be understood right. There's always room to grow and admit we've been wrong. We’re not certain of every teeny tiny detail regarding scripture- (that’s impossible) and we don’t need to be. We’re ok with growing and changing, and our perspectives will follow where His spirit leads.

We’re not here to grow our own little empire- that’s bogus, but all too common in todays cultural Christianity. When you focus on that, your motives get clouded, you have a self driven agenda instead of a holy and selfless one that reflects Jesus. We will always welcome more people if they choose, but if we hit around 100 people, we’ll plant more churches because intimacy in community and connection with others and Jesus matters more. We want to create a space that embodies thriving relationships, openness, accountability, and grace. One that allows people to easily maintain and build meaningful, lasting relationships with one another. One that doesn’t enable shallow, unauthentic interactions or gimmicky sales pitches to keep you around. Let’s cut the fluff and get to the heart of life.

We’re no fluff here. And by now, that shouldn’t surprise you. Having a big and fancy space doesn’t matter to us or God. Having 1000 people doesn’t matter to us or God. (Jesus had how many disciples?) Having 18 screens, cameras, or the latest new age programming doesn’t matter to us or God. None of it matters to us or God if it doesn’t require a move of God and a change in your heart. We can be entertained all we want- doesn’t matter. We can feel comfortable all we want in a world class facility- doesn’t matter. Those things are not bad in and of themselves- but if it prevents a real encounter, or allows you to just sit and consume without participating- that was never Gods intent for the church. When you are fooled into believing that a church must look a certain way from the outside to be “successful” - you have missed it my friend. If you’ve focused on numbers and outward appearances, you’ve been conned. If it takes away from really getting to the heart of Jesus and one another, then it's just fluff! If it doesn't help you to look more like Jesus outside those walls- it has failed! Outward appearances, features, size has never mattered to God- listen to Jesus in His last week of ministry: Read Matthew 23.

The more church likes Jesus, the less the world will be drawn to it, because Jesus is COUNTER CULTURE.

Your heart is Gods priority and His heart is the promise. We don’t exist to manufacture feelings so that you feel good and can check off little religious boxes of dopamine. This is God the Father, the creator of Heaven and earth we are talking about- not some fairy tale G rated movie we’re showing. This is real life, together as the church. Flaws and all. Struggles and and victories. Tough stuff and fun stuff- together, in unity, pressing on towards and in Jesus in the most intentional and relational way that we can.

All are welcome. Yes, we mean that. Have you read about the life of Jesus? He hung out with some world class sinners. Prostitutes, lowly of low, tax collectors, a guy He knew would deny Him and have him killed, but loved Him and trusted him as a disciple anyway- some thief in his dying moment that He showed grace on. He healed homeless, sick people- giving them the time of day we so often don’t. He rebelled against the religion of His time because it was all jacked up and self focused- like you could somehow earn your way to salvation or that one made up class of people was better than the next. It was political, corrupt, and just foolish. We are rebelling too. Against all of that crap. Against that same modern day Pharisee lie that you have to live up to this certain standard to be saved or loved. Jesus came!!!! He did it!!! Grace is here!!! Gods gift!!! Not from anything you could ever do. There’s nothing you can do that would make Him love you less- nothing you could do to make Him love you more. He loves you where you are- even while we were/are still sinners, HE LOVES US.

Relationship over religion.

Your heart over outward image.

Serving over being served.

Love over hate.

Grace instead of judgement.

Connection over convenience.

Generosity over get rich.

Humility over pride.

Forgiveness over legalism.

Grace over fundamentalism.

Jesus over denomination.

Jesus over politics.

Jesus over religious hierarchy.

Jesus over it all!!!

Whatever label or title you put over your life or heart or identity- God sees right through and to the deepest parts anyway…

We’re not some show or production, some event or building. We are real people coming together to embrace life and living and love the way we believe God desires. As the church, as sons and daughters - not consumers or attendees. Not as ticket holders or stake holders. We are not performance driven. Forget religious rituals or empty tradition - We are people with a story who matter to God who just want the real thing. We want to share the truths of Jesus and His love with the world, one person at a time, by the way we live our life. To grow deeper in love, and letting ourselves be loved deeper. To know and believe that we have a GOOD, GOOD Father who loves His children dearly.

We're hungry for authentic community with each other and God- and we can joyfully say over the last 9 months that we've been able to do that. There has been so much growth in individuals and myself over the last 9 months since we launched, that I couldn't be more excited or proud of the way we've been obedient through criticism, our own fears, trials, and the unknown.

Breaking away from the lies of "you have to do it this way or you're not a real church" or "you're not credible without a degree" or "how many people do you have? well- keep going, you'll get there someday" - HA! We ARE here NOW! Content in the will of the Father! Content in our rented space. Content in reaching out. Content in generosity. Content with whoever gathers with us. We're not striving. Living up to GODS call instead of religious posers and naysayers has been FREEING. No pressure to perform, just content to love. No baseline of rules to follow within some network or denomination / just living obedient and faithful to serve like Jesus. It's awesome!! It's humbling. It's beautiful. Jesus is the point- He came to reveal the heart of the Father and abolish religion. The veil has been TORN!!!

We are breaking down walls of religion. Veils of separation. Fear. Division. We are crushing the monsters of cultural Christianity with the bold truth of grace. We are the black sheep church of our area and we embrace every bit of it. You're welcome to join us anytime.

Freely in love,


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